011: Senior Photography Business Strategy Q&A With Jena Golden

011: Senior Photography Business Strategy Q&A With Jena Golden

Wanna go behind the scenes of some real life business coaching? In this episode of the Senior Studio Success Podcast I’m answering photography business questions from right inside my coaching groups.

Let’s continue the conversation in the Facebook Community & connect on Instagram. And as always, you can grab any links I chat about here in the show notes.

p.s. Join me on The Road To CEO, my free 3-part business workshop starting 10/19/21 just for senior photographers 🎉 Come hang out with me!!!

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Should You Send A Senior Magazine To Every Inquiry?

Should You Send A Senior Magazine To Every Inquiry?

The senior photography inquiry magazine should be used strategically to help book senior sessions that you weren't able to book in a phone call or consult. This is exactly why I created my senior magazine templates the way I did, to help you know what information to actually send to an inquiry vs what information to send to your senior photography clients to get them 100% prepared for their senior session experience! ⁣

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Why Every Senior Photographer Needs Email Templates For Their Photography Business

Have you ever laid in bed at night wondering how if you sent that email to your client with all the information they need for their upcoming senior session? You’re pretty sure you did, but there’s just something you feel like you’re forgetting.

Or even worse - you are so tired that the words just won’t come out as you sit in front of a blank computer screen trying to come up with the best way to word an email to a client?

Copy and paste sure would be nice right about now, huh?

With over 30 different senior photography business email templates, these are perfect for every phase of the senior session experience to prep your senior photography clients for their senior session day and increase senior session sales. #seniorpho…

With over 30 different senior photography business email templates, these are perfect for every phase of the senior session experience to prep your senior photography clients for their senior session day and increase senior session sales. #seniorphotographybusinesstools #photographyemailtemplates #seniorstudiosuccess

I’ve been there. I got tired of coming up with perfectly written emails for my senior photography clients ONE BY ONE. And I dropped the ball way too many times to count until I finally learned my lesson. Over the years I’ve developed a wonderful set of emails that work beautifully in our senior studio to communicate EVERYTHING our clients need to know for a great senior session experience.

So if you’re tired of not knowing what emails to send your senior photography clients, I’ve been there!

 If you’re not sure how to best prep your seniors and parents for their session day and their order, yep, been there too!

Dropped the ball and forgotten to send that ordering appointment prep email? Guess what? Me too!

Wondering how to draft up the perfect testimonial request email? You know what I’m about to say!

I got you!

I am so excited to let all my senior photographer buddies know about this set of email templates is available for you now in the shop to customize for your very own senior photography business!

These email templates have saved me and my senior photography business SO many times . . . and SO much time! 

That’s right, these are the EXACT EMAILS that I use in my senior studio on the daily to prepare my clients for their senior sessions to book senior sessions and to increase our average sales!

Whether you’re just starting your senior photography business or if you consider yourself a senior photographer veteran, these emails are for you!

This email template series is perfect for the senior photographer who:

  • Feels like there’s just not enough time in the day to answer emails

  • Struggles explaining processes via email to clients

  • Has no idea which order or even when to send emails to clients

  • Literally any senior photographer who wants to make client communication a BREEZE

With over 30 different email templates, these are perfect for every phase of the senior session experience:

  • Inquiry Emails: Use these emails to lead your prospective clients to book their senior session by following up!

  • Pre-Session Emails: Prepare your clients and yourself for an amazing session! This series includes everything you need for the day of the senior session with a timeline, senior session prep, consult, and questionnaire emails to make sure you and your clients are ready for the perfect senior session day!

  • Pre-Sales Emails: Get the client testimonials you want to gain future clients and the sales you need with these emails to prep your clients for their ordering session!

  • Post-Sales Emails: Take care of your clients with order updates and follow up! Increase your senior photography sales with Christmas and spring resales emails included in this series too :)

What it all boils down to is this email series gives your clients the communication they want and the information you need to not only maintain your business, but help it grow

This part of your business shouldn’t be hard! Let this email series simplify the parts of your business you don't love and get you back to the things you do love - creating those beautiful images!

You can find this perfect set of senior photography email templates in the shop now! Woohoo!

The Every Durn Day List For Your Photography Business

I used to haphazardly go about my day. Whatever was most important at the time was what got done. I’d get to the end of my day with absolutely no idea what I had accomplished. The only thing I was certain of was that I WAS TIRED!

Have you been there? Letting your day run you instead of the other way around? The phone rings. I answered it. Email chimes with a question from a client. Off in that direction I went. A photographer friend needed help designing a marketing piece. I’d drop everything to help.

Finally I got tired of being tired and scatterbrained here at the studio. I knew something had to change, so I made my Every Durn Day List! It’s my very technical title for the list of things I absolutely have to get done to call it a successful day!

Brainstorming, I broke my day up into broad tasks I handle every day. Or tasks that SHOULD be handled everyday! And I put them into big chunks of time on my calendar, aka time blocking ;)

So let’s get into it . . . first things first. Health.


It’s a priority. It has to come first. If I’m not healthy and feeling good, then I am no good for anybody - my family, myself or my clients. So I try to get a smoothie in every morning so at least I know I am getting in some good nutrients, and I try to do something physical every day. This might not happen in the morning. It just depends on my schedule. I love a good long walk / run in the evenings with a podcast going.


Getting my head straight and staying focused on the big picture is tough for me. I’m not gonna lie. I see something shiny, new and exciting . . . I’m gonna chase after it! I love to dream all the big things and design all the projects. Follow through is an issue for me, which is why I ultimately hired an assistant to check off all the little parts of my big visions I left behind!

So this is what I decided to do. Now I review my quarterly goals and big picture strategy for the year every morning. I have a Trello board with those and I also keep them posted on a dry erase board right in my sites in front of my desk. They are staring right at me ALL DAY LONG! This helps me put my blinders on and stay focused towards what I’ve said was important to me.


I heard once before that the smartest thing we could do for our businesses when it comes to social media is to create before we consume. I took that advice to heart and it has made the biggest impact on my business. We have to market EVERY DURN DAY to keep clients rolling in. If we only market during the slow times then there are going to be a whole lot more slow times eventually. By creating before we consume we naturally do what is best for our businesses. When we let other voices in our heads those messages infiltrate our own, and we end up missing the mark. And if you’re anything like me, you get caught up in the good ol’ comparison trap. Ugh. Anybody else?

So before I start scrolling Instagram or Facebook I go ahead and make sure I’ve posted to my own social media for the day. I get it done and out there in the world! Then I can continue on with my happy morning stalking, umm inspiration.

Time Blocking

After marketing comes my time blocks. I try to work ON MY BUSINESS before working IN MY BUSINESS each day. That keeps me moving toward those goals I set. So I am usually concentrating on a current project I have going on at the time. Then it’s on to admin work to session post processing to client meetings and all the other hats we have to wear! But whatever it is, it is getting all done at the same time. I can be so much more productive when I work on ONE THING instead of task jumping all over the place! Shut down the browser windows, put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” and give it a try! You’ll be amazed at how much you can get done in one sitting.

Client Communication

I used to check my voicemail, email, Facebook and Instagram messages first thing each morning and get everything handled. Not bad customer service, huh? No! Not at all. But guess what? None of it was ever really an emergency. By lunch time I was frazzled and lost as to what to do the rest of the day. You see, I am sharpest and most creative first thing in the morning. I need to get my focused work done then because after lunch it can easily go downhill for me. Maybe that’s just me getting old! But either way, I needed to create a way to get my focused work time done so I simply flipped my schedule. Now I only check voicemail and email after lunch. And I do it all at one time. That’s one of my time blocks actually. This one simple thing has been such a game changer for me!

I also try to set aside a little time in the afternoons to nurture relationships. This might mean writing welcome or thank you notes or checking facebook and instagram to see what is going on in the lives of my clients. You can learn a lot that way! Here’s the thing though. This is not mindless scroll time. This is intentional engagement time! Always go to your social media with purpose. That’s a story for another day and something we go over EXACTLY HOW TO DO inside Insta Secrets :)

BONUS! Prep For Tomorrow

I’m a sucker for a bonus, so here ya go y’all! A successful morning starts the night before. Have you ever heard that? Well, if not you have now! Believe it because it is so true! Coming into the studio office each morning knowing exactly what needs to be done is key for a productive day. Do things always go as planned? Heck no! But at least I have a fighting chance. I set myself up for success in a few different ways. At the end of each work day I will glance over my Google calendar to see what’s coming up. Then I look over my Trello boards and calendar side by side to decide when I can do outstanding tasks. I name my top 3 tasks for the next day and block out time to make those happen. If I get more done, great! If not, that’s ok. I can feel accomplished knowing I got those top 3 done. Be sure to check out this blog post where I talk about how to use Trello for EVERYTHING! I seriously can’t live without it.

The Every Durn Dy List For Senior Photographers | Productivity Tips For Photographers

Here’s a quick recap on my every day list in my photography business:

  • Health: Always first!

    • Drink a smoothie

    • Move my body (running, yoga, weights, resistance training, etc)

  • Mindset: Get focused.

    • Review My Goals / Big Picture Strategy

    • Review Today's Top 3 List

  • Marketing: Create before I consume.

    • Instagram Post

    • Facebook Post

    • Instagram Story (3 times a day)

  • Time Blocking

    • Current Project first (to push my business forward towards one of those goals

    • Then the other blocks: content creation, education, admin, post production, etc.

  • Client Communication: Always after lunch.

    • Return Voicemails / Call Leads

    • Answer Email

    • Client / Prospect Engagement (write notecards / check Facebook & Instagram - with intention)

  • Plan For The Next Day: Set myself up for success tomorrow.

    • Review Calendar

    • Create Top 3 List

So what’s on your list? Do you have one? What are you doing in your senior photography studio to make each day successful and to keep driving your business forward? I’d love to know! Am I missing something? :)

Tired of coming up with fresh ideas for what to post to Instagram for your senior photography business?

Need help with your content planning for your stories and reels?

Wanna turn your followers into actual paying clients and book sessions you love?

*** DON’T MISS THIS! ***

An Instagram content planning system, proven instagram growth strategies & over 300 story, reels and post outlines for the senior photographer who needs a strategic social media plan in place to book senior sessions.

An Instagram content planning system, proven instagram growth strategies & over 300 story, reels and post outlines for the senior photographer who needs a strategic social media plan in place to book senior sessions.

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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Photography Conference

My head was spinning.  I had so much to get done.  My eyes were tired and I felt like the world was moving faster than it really should.  My family had missed me. My kids needed me, and there was so much housework to get done.  But I had to make all of these changes and NOW!

This was my typical story after returning home from a photography conference.  I felt the need to change absolutely EVERYTHING in my business because if it worked for the speaker on stage then it had to work for me too, right?!  WRONG!  

I would frantically take notes and try to implement all of it when I got back home.  I was exhausted from chasing after success.

I’ve learned to slow down over the years, to take bits and pieces to apply to my senior photography business and to just let the rest go.  My approach to getting the most out of a photography conference has changed over the years. I’ve done it the wrong way, and I’ve learned to do it the right way.  Creating an intentional strategy around learning and getting the most out of a conference has made a huge difference for me! So I’d love to share with you guys some tips on what to expect from a photography conference and how to implement what you’ve learned when you get back home.


What To Expect From A Senior Photography Conference

Well, they are all different, especially these days with a lot of them being done virtually.  Let me start with that. Some conferences are more about lighting, some are all about portfolio building and some are more about business education.  I tend to enjoy the ones more focused on business.  

Here’s why:  Portfolio building is fun.  Really it can be a blast getting to shoot with other passionate senior photographers! Photographing new subjects styled just right can get the creativity flowing, but those images do not always fit the style of your typical clients. And hopefully this doesn’t sound too harsh, but they tend to stick out like a sore thumb on websites and social media if they aren’t the way you normally shoot.  It’s easy to see in a body of work which images are your own and which ones were created someplace else and styled by somebody else.

This next part is said in love . . . Our clients are hiring us for what we can offer them on a daily basis. So just be careful with building a portfolio of images that you cannot deliver on to the clients in your own area.  I’m not saying don’t go to those conferences or to not participate in styled shoots. Please hear me loud and clear on that! This is just some tiny advice to be careful about what you are posting vs what you can deliver.

Ok, back to it! My all time favorite senior photography conference is SYNC. And this year I just happen to be speaking at it. WHAT?!! Yep. I sure am and I couldn’t be more excited! It’s March 5th - 8th, 2021 in Destin, Florida.

You can find out more about it here and how you can either attend in person or choose the virtual option for this year.

I’ve been every single year but one (and that was only because I was on bedrest with a rough pregnancy).  Dang kids. Kidding!!! SYNC is family. It is all inclusive so you don’t have to pick and choose which classes to attend. It is 3 solid days of learning and EVERYONE is so hands on and helpful.  While it is not a portfolio building conference you can still find groups shooting every day all over the resort. Those are fun to pop in and out of. And lots of people travel in early and stay late because it is in Destin, FL! Who doesn’t love a little extra vacation time at the beach doing what we love?!

Buying the plane tickets and booking the hotel rooms aren’t the only investments we are making in our education when we decide to go to a photography conference.  Besides the money we are actually investing our time - our life really. It takes several days away from our families and business as usual, so we want to make sure we are investing wisely and getting something back that’s worth that investment.  So let’s talk about that!

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Photography Conference:

First things first . . .

If you bought virtual tickets to a conference PLEASE treat that investment the same way you would an in person conference. Block off your calendar, grab some snacks, caffeine & your notebook. Don’t put it off because you won’t come back to it. Buddy up with a few photographers online and make it a watch party! Maybe you could even create a group text to share ideas or ask questions back and forth. The worst thing you could do is say you’ll get to it soon. If you’re anything like me, you won’t.

Prepare Beforehand

Take a look at the agenda, the speakers and their topics.  Jot down some questions ahead of time about the things you are interested in so that you will specifically listen for those topics to come up.  This has been a really big help for me instead of going into a class blind.

Set Conference Goals

Understand why you are going and get intentional with your learning.  Make a list of the things you want to get out of the conference. Go ahead and have some questions written down.  You will be more intentional about who you connect with, who you sit by, who you go to lunch with, the conversations you have, whether you spend your time in small groups discussing a particular aspect of your business or going out to watch a lead photographer work with a model.  

Filter out the ideas that don’t matter as much right now in your business and life so that you can focus on the ones that do matter and will make a difference for you.

If you go into a conference with intention you are more likely to feel that it was a success afterwards and that it was worth your investment - in time and in dollars.

Creating A Note Taking System:

This is a game changer.  I use to be the crazy person frantically writing down every word and not really comprehending them.  I wasn’t present with the speakers or fully soaking their message in because I was too focused on not missing anything.  When I realized how much of a problem this was and that I was actually hindering my learning I created a note taking system for conferences.

I like to use symbols in my notes to make it easy and memorable.  This can be done digitally with emojis on your phone or you can hand write them.  I still tend to be a paper and pen kind of girl.

Using symbols in your notes will jog your memory when you go back over them later.

Let me make sure you understood this from earlier and don’t make the same mistakes I made . . . 

Do NOT write down everything.  Do NOT take pictures of every slide. 

You won’t go back to those and those images will just be taking up space on your phone.  Focus on the meat of the message instead of trying to capture every word and slide.  

Again, you want to be intentional here.  If you know why you are at the conference and what you and your business most needs right now, then you will not be overwhelmed with mountains of notes when you get back home.

Here are the symbols I use in my conference note taking and what they mean:

  • Question Mark - These are questions I need to spend some time on later.  Sometimes there are deep questions that a speaker will ask that you really need to think about but don’t have time in the middle of a conference to do that.  Those questions can be powerful, and you don’t want to forget them.  

  • ASAP - These are First Priority Tasks when I get back home.  These are things that I absolutely need to do RIGHT AWAY that could potentially be BIG THINGS for my business.  I want these to stand out and not get lost in all of the notes.  

  • Lightbulb - These are great ideas that I want to do at some point.  You could use a star or asterisk too - whatever you want really. They’re your notes!

  • Book - Speakers usually mention great books that they have read.  I am a big reader so I absolutely love when they do. I will either jot down the title and author in my notes or go ahead and add it to my Amazon cart for later.  Yep. I totally do that.

  • SM - Oh my goodness, the social media ideas that come up when you’re around a bunch of creative people, right?!  If I hear something from the stage that makes me think of a great story or something I could share I will jot it down with “SM” beside it for later. 

  • Brackets - If I have time right away I will write down a quick summary to share with my team members when I get home.  This isn’t always possible right after a class, but I try while it’s fresh on my mind.

What To Do After A Photography Conference:

You’re on top of the world when you leave the conference.  You are full of ideas and feel like you can take on the world!  And then you get back home to the chaos of everyone missing and needing you.  This is great, right?! Yes it is! You are LOVED! But if you don’t organize what you’ve learned immediately IT WON’T HAPPEN. 

You’ll find that notebook 4 months later and feel like a complete failure. I know. I’ve done it.

So here’s what I do.  If at all possible I will stay an extra day after the conference is over to decompress and really focus on organizing my notes.  Generally that doesn’t happen though because . . . kids. Taking advantage of the car ride or flight home has helped here though.  Whatever you do, just try really hard to find a little bit of time to organize your notes BEFORE you walk in the door at home.  

Blocking a full day off from work when you get back home instead of heading right back into it is vital too.  I know this is tough to do because voicemails, emails and client work has backed up while you were away. But it is so worth it to set that time aside to create an action plan.

Organizing & Summarizing Your Notes:

First, take pictures of your notes and store them in a notebook in Evernote (or whatever digital file system you like).  This is great for referencing later. You may not need something right now, but in 6 months you just might. I like to save these by date / conference name / speaker (ex: 030521_SYNC_SpeakerName).

Ok, now that they are saved you can dive in to create an action plan for all the things you learned!

Here’s a downloadable Conference Notes Summary Worksheet to help with that and how I use it :) 

  • ASAP Column - top 10 RIGHT NOW action items to accomplish within the next month

  • Next In Line - the rest of the items I’d really like to accomplish this year in my business (lightbulb notes)

  • Key Ideas - the key things / big picture ideas I want to remember going forward in my business

  • Inspirational Quotes - I’m a sucker for these and speakers love to share them.  I use this section to remember them, save them as a screensaver and possibly create social media posts for later.  

  • Needs Research - There could be software or tools that I want to investigate.  I use this section for collecting those ideas.

Once all of this is down on paper I transfer it to my Trello Board System & Calendar.  My main focus is creating action items for those ideas in that ASAP Column.

Make a list.  Set deadlines. Then execute and make it happen. Don’t let all that knowledge go to waste!

I use Trello for just about everything in my life!  You can grab it here for free. It keeps me so organized.   

Now there’s a plan for taking those things that I’ve learned and implementing them!

Conferences Are About Networking Too:

You are going to meet so many new people!  And it’s tough to remember them all. Business cards are becoming not so popular as social media has taken over.  So whether you get a business card, jot down their info in your notebook or just follow them on Instagram, be sure you are keeping track of your new contacts in some organized way.  

Here’s how I keep track of all my new best friends!

  • Bookmark one of their images and save to a new folder on Instagram with the conference name.

  • Connect when I get back home with a nice little “was great to meet you” message. I love having them all in a folder so that I can quickly check in on all the cool photographers I’ve just met. It’s really neat to watch their businesses grow and celebrate with them along the way.  Having someone to bounce ideas around with who isn’t in your same area is always a bonus too, so don’t neglect the networking aspect of a photography conference. You might just meet your new best friend or business partner there ;) 

I hope this little system will help make your next photography conference a success and that you get to put all of those amazing ideas in place for your business!  

And if we just happen to be at the same conference be sure to find me and say hey!  I want to meet you! :)

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Why I Decided To Use A Client Management System In My Photography Studio

Why I Decided To Use A Client Management System In My Photography Studio

Someone once told me to start acting TODAY like the business owner I want to be TOMORROW. Once I started following that advice I never looked back. The decisions I make today in my business are ones I hope my future self will make. And investing in a system like Honeybook has helped me through growing pains and much more organized and professional in front of my clients and inquiries. #seniorphotography #seniorstudiosuccess

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5 Mistakes Senior Photographers Need To Avoid In Instastories

I absolutely LOVE watching Instastories from other senior photographers! Your creativity amazes me! But sometimes there seems to be a little disconnect between the creativity of your work and the creativity you bring to your Instagram stories. And I want to help you guys with that today.

Our Instagram followers want to see more than just pretty pictures. They want to see behind the scenes (and not just from our senior sessions). They want to know who we are. They want to be able to relate to us and know that they can trust us and be comfortable with us at their own sessions too. That’s why our stories are so important! The Instagram feed is for the pretty stuff. But in our stories we can be playful, fun and let them really see our personality and who they are going to be working with.

There are a few mistakes being made out there when it comes to using Instagram stories that I do want to touch on though. Some of these are just missed opportunities that can easily be avoided. So let’s talk about the ones I see the most.

The Top 5 Mistakes Senior Photographers Should Avoid In Their Instastories

5 Mistakes To Avoid In Your Instastories:

  1. Posting & ghosting - Be sure you are circling back around a few times a day to see who is viewing & engaging with your stories. Go give them some love too! Don’t just post a story in the morning and disappear until that evening. You’ll get the best results by posting consistently throughout the day. (Let me be the first to say, I know this isn’t realistic sometimes. I’m a mom & business owner too! Believe me I get it! Haha!)

  2. Not location tagging - This one is pretty simple. Make sure you are taking advantage of the location sticker so that your local audience has a better chance of seeing your story. You can tag your city, your county, a school, a local restaurant or shop too.

  3. Not following up with engagement - When your followers vote in a poll, answer a question, DM you or take a quiz be sure you are acknowledging them! Take 10 minutes a day to go through those and give them a quick “hey, thanks for voting! me too!” message. Head over to their stories and engage with them too!

  4. Ignoring feedback - When your audience tells you what they like and don’t like, LISTEN TO THEM! If they want something different from you, give it to them! Hey, I’m stubborn too and want to post what I want to post, but at the end of the day we are doing this for them and to drive business to our studios. They may not actually “tell” you that they don’t like something, but paying attention to your story analytics will give you a lot of insight into what they do and do not like.

  5. Speaking to the wrong audience - Remember who you are posting for when creating a story! We are creating for teens and sometimes their moms too. So many times I see photographers who have missed this somehow. They are obviously posting for peers and feature accounts instead of for clients and potential clients. Remind yourself of your purpose and mission before ever going to your stories.

BONUS! How about not engaging at all? It really surprises me how many times I’ll put a fun poll out there that I KNOW everyone has an opinion on and there are so few photographers voting on it. Guys, we have to GIVE what we want to GET! If you want to get the engagement you are craving then you have to be willing to give it first. It’s not that tough. Click a button. Dealing it to you straight - if you don’t play the game, you can’t complain when your followers don’t either. Love ya! Mean it :)

Are you exhausted from the social media game and not book photography sessions from it?

*** DON’T MISS THIS! ***

If you need somebody to come along beside you and help you do business the right way so that you can bring home a paycheck, spend more time with your family and save for retirement then you need Studio Secrets.  

The doors open November 4th for something very special for a handful of photographers who are ready to get laser focused on their businesses.  

Studio Secrets is a 6 month business coaching intensive where we dive deep into your business together.  It’s not a DIY course on one or two topics.  This is EVERYTHING you could ever need to know (and all the tools & resources) to run a senior photography business - branding, messaging, websites, pricing, sales, marketing, social media, senior model teams, systems, workflow, automation and SO MUCH MORE!  And bonus - you get me to lead you through it in our hot seal calls and a private community to bounce ideas around with.

If you’re ready to turn your expensive hobby into a thriving business be sure you are on the wait list.

Plus you save $500 on launch day - November 4th.  Woohoo!  I can’t wait to work with you! 

Get More Engagement This Week In Your Instastories For Your Senior Photography Business

Get real with me for a minute.

How real are you actually being in your Instastories? Are yours more like constant advertisements, sales and your work only?

Do your followers really know who you are?

If you are pausing to think about the answer to that question, then the answer is probably no, they do not.

We can change that though! And guess what?! It’s not all that tough!

I hear it all the time. Photographers (and other business owners) complaining about how they aren’t getting the engagement they want from Instagram, it’s not worth their time, their life isn’t interesting enough, the algorithm stinks and their followers aren’t seeing their posts.

Wanna know my response? You aren’t going to like it. But I’m a straight shooter so here goes. If something isn’t working in our social media accounts, it’s our fault, not the “algorithm”. As business owners, if something is broken we need to own up to it, take responsibility for figuring out how to fix it AND here’s the important thing - we have to take action and follow through. I’m talking to myself here too guys! It’s just the harsh reality of it.

Here’s the deal - people want to do business with people.

They want to know who you are, they want to fall in love with you (not like in the ask you to marry them kind of love, but in the care about who you are and what you’re about kind of love), and they want to trust you. But you have to give them reasons to do each one of these things!

How To Keep Your Senior Model Team Engaged

So that’s the secret. Get your followers to know you, to like you, to trust you.

Wait. I’m not done ;)

You thought this blog post was about getting more engagement on your instagram stories, right? Oh it is my friend.

You get engagement when you show up in your stories consistently, when your followers get to know who the person is behind the business and the logo that is currently in place of your profile picture (big no-no), when they miss you when you are gone for a day or so, when they see something when they are out and think of you, when they know they can ask you a question and you will be there to answer it for them. That’s when you get the engagement you have been hoping for.

Ok, but how do you get to that point? How do you get that comfortable with your audience?

How do you get from “this is what I do” to “this is who I am”?

*** DON’T MISS THIS! ***

If you need somebody to come along beside you and help you do business the right way so that you can bring home a paycheck, spend more time with your family and save for retirement then you need Studio Secrets.  

The doors open November 4th for something very special for a handful of photographers who are ready to get laser focused on their businesses.  

Studio Secrets is a 6 month business coaching intensive where we dive deep into your business together.  It’s not a DIY course on one or two topics.  This is EVERYTHING you could ever need to know (and all the tools & resources) to run a senior photography business - branding, messaging, websites, pricing, sales, marketing, social media, senior model teams, systems, workflow, automation and SO MUCH MORE!  And bonus - you get me to lead you through it in our hot seal calls and a private community to bounce ideas around with.

If you’re ready to turn your expensive hobby into a thriving business be sure you are on the wait list.

Plus you save $500 on launch day - November 4th.  Woohoo!  I can’t wait to work with you! 

Why I Stopped Posting To Instagram Every Day And Still Increased Engagement

My senior studio instagram feed ran like a well oiled machine. Every Sunday I would plan my week of posts and have them all ready to go in Planoly, my online instagram scheduler. And every morning at 7am a fresh new image and text would hit the instagram feed. Sometimes when I was feeling overly enthusiastic there was 7am AND a 7pm posts rolling out. Seriously, it was like clockwork.

But I would be lying if I didn’t tell you it was exhausting too.

Here’s what I saw happening too. My audience knew what to expect. That was the good thing. It was also the not so good thing. It was almost too predictable and maybe even taken for granted that something pretty would just be there to see every morning. Don’t get me wrong! Consistency is great! But I needed to take a step back and re-evaluate my efforts and how I was spending my time.

Was I really getting the payoff from all the time I spent planning instagram posts? The answer was no.

How To Keep Your Senior Model Team Engaged

I wanted more engagement. I wanted more followers in that 13 - 17 age bracket because they are my target audience for my senior photography studio. But how in the world was I going to get it?

The answer I stumbled upon? Less posting. More showing my face & having real conversations.

Engagement with your followers (and soon to be followers) is much more important AND effective than posting pretty images to your feed everyday.

How To Effectively Engage On Instagram:

  1. Use the bookmark / save feature on Instagram. Go through your client list, current seniors and your model team. Put them into a save folder in Instagram. Now go through that folder once a day to like and comment on their posts and stories. This will tell Instagram that these are your people! You can use this same idea for local business and sports teams too.

  2. Turn on post notifications for this same group of people. When they post look for the top comments. These are usually their best friends and ones you should have on your radar. Head over to their accounts and start engaging with them too :)

  3. Train your audience. If you want REAL engagement then you have to give it first. Heart eyes and likes is what you will get if that is all you give. Now, I understand that there is a fine line between being creepy and being visible. Don’t go overboard here. We are dealing with teenagers! Just be cool, you know?

  4. Pay attention to who is watching your stories. Give extra time to the people who are following your stories. Go through your viewers list and watch theirs too! If you see an opportunity to engage - a poll, a question, a quiz - DO IT!!!

  5. Show your face! I’ll continue to repeat this one over and over y’all. People want to do business with people. Get in your stories, be real, be silly, have conversations, show up and be the expert in your area. Let your guard down a bit and bring some life into your own instastories!

Are you exhausted from the Instagram game and not booking any sessions from it?

*** DON’T MISS THIS! ***

If you need somebody to come along beside you and help you do business the right way so that you can bring home a paycheck, spend more time with your family and save for retirement then you need Studio Secrets.  

The doors open November 4th for something very special for a handful of photographers who are ready to get laser focused on their businesses.  

Studio Secrets is a 6 month business coaching intensive where we dive deep into your business together.  It’s not a DIY course on one or two topics.  This is EVERYTHING you could ever need to know (and all the tools & resources) to run a senior photography business - branding, messaging, websites, pricing, sales, marketing, social media, senior model teams, systems, workflow, automation and SO MUCH MORE!  And bonus - you get me to lead you through it in our hot seal calls and a private community to bounce ideas around with.

If you’re ready to turn your expensive hobby into a thriving business be sure you are on the wait list.

Plus you save $500 on launch day - November 4th.  Woohoo!  I can’t wait to work with you!