This is bigger than photography.

And it changes EVERYTHING 🔥

Boss Lady Breakthroughs is now my brand new membership where I will be sharing it ALL 😱

This will be a room for activation, expansion & dreaming about what CAN be for you!

Monthly broadcasts of my riffs on all things business, life, money, mindset, kids, home, travel, short term plans, long term plans, strategy & creating a legacy.

You can ask me anything & I will be sharing EVERYTHING . . .

the highs, the lows, the MOVES that you can’t and won’t see on social media.

What’s working, what’s not working, what I’m doing to create & build wealth (not just a successful business).

This is me. The realness, the identity work, the mindset shifts, the breakthroughs - so that you can have your own too.

It’s an open book to my life.

And it will be a game changer.

This is for the ones who want more.

For the ones who know they were meant for something bigger.

For the ones who want a coach in your back pocket & behind the scenes VIP access for what it has taken & what it takes to run not only a successful photography business but 2 other businesses as well.

Imagine being a fly on the wall for the work I’ve been doing & I’m continuing to do on all things mindset, money and business.

That is exactly what this offer is and I’m just getting started.

This is a $99/month or $999/annual pass membership.

But . . . I am making this a way easier decision.

There is a $7 for your first month option 🤯

What the actual heck?! Yeah, I am that crazy.

Actually I want to see you having your own breakthroughs. That's why I am doing this!

I love your wins! I love celebrating you! The world needs more people like us!

This is the most no-brainer offer on the internet.

$999 for a year of activation, identity shifts and your own breakthroughs 🔥

I haven’t even scratched the surface here yet. There is so much to share. And a secret bonus for my founding members that I’m not even announcing until later this year. You’ll be really really glad you jumped in now.